Look Beauty is still an art when good makeup meant just soaps, perfumes and oils carefully selected after word-of-mouth recommendation. Take your pick! Show off your gorgeous eyes - wear eye makeup. When your makeup is completed it should look natural. That means avoiding colors that clash. If you have dark skin and hair you will look better in darker shades; light colors will make you look washed out. If your hair and skin tone are light, light colors will look better on you. Dark makeup will make you look older and harsh. If you have oily skin, first use oil control moisturizer and foundation. Then be sure to wear loose powder, keeping pressed powder with you for touch ups.
Some women don't wear makeup because they are not sure how to use it and are afraid of being overdone. If you are unsure, start will light colors in your shade. Start slowly and add one product at a time. Maybe start with foundation, add mascara, blush or lipstick. If you are not used to wearing makeup, using a lot a first may be a little too much for you, so start slowly. The bottom line is a little is better than none.


Full face make-up

SummerFull face make-up is not in style any more (no matter what your age). It prevents your skin from breathing! And in the summer who wants caked make-up running down their face? Use a tinted moisturizer rather than a regular foundation. It will even out your skin tone and is so much lighter.
If you want to wear foundation, use a non-matte make-up. It's less oily and keeps your face fresh. Wear as little powder as possible. Try just using it in the "t-zone" that might get a little oily. As far as fragrance goes, keep your summer fragrance light and fresh. A cologne or toilet water spray with some of the new aromatherapy scents is perfect. You can always go back to your regular or a heavier perfume at first frost. Overall, just think light, airy, sunny, and you can't go wrong with less make-up in the summer.

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